lundi 29 janvier 2018

Houdini to Unity Digital Asset - Floor Creation

This is another Houdini Digital Asset I built for my developers and designers. The tool takes  a curve built in Unity and creates a floor or a ceiling. I started out creating a basic network within a Geo node.

The initial node network above in Houdini. Organization is key when working with Nodes. I have had assets that are just a complete mess, no guidance, no organization, no structure, extra nodes that are not connected to any other node.

Netboxes are a a good way of keeping your networks organized. It is also a great way of planning out how a node netowrk is structured. You can even add colors. Colors! Ok, I like adding colors.

This is what the asset looks like in Unity, once the asset has been built and imported into Unity. The same custom parameters I setup in Houdini are now showing in Unity.

This is what it looks like imported into Unity. 

I use the Houdini Digital Assets to quickly create a design of the floor that I will be creating in the future. This allows me to quickly make changes, assign materials and collision objects when needed.

jeudi 25 janvier 2018

Houdini to Unity Digital Asset - Column

This posting is for beginners learning Houdini. I figure I will try and post up as much Houdini Game Development for Unity as apossible.

 I needed to find a way to start procedurally building levels in Houdini and bringing them to Unity for my developers. Since I work in a really small studio I needed to give more control to my developers. This will give my developers control over the scaling, transforms, uv scale and with some assets they will have control over the procedural materials.

By no way this is the best way to do this, at least I don't think. I have not discovered a simple way yet, this is just me developing something to help my team in the time alloted.

This is developed using Houdini Engine for Unity. This asset is developed using Houdini 16.5.323 and Unity 2017.3. Don't forget to head over to Sidefx Github and download the Games toolset, it is needed for this HDA. I use the Game Dev Edge Group to Curve node early in the network.


This is what it looks like Unity.

This is what it looks in Houdini. Breaking up the nodes into Network Boxes helps keep everything organized and informs the next user on what is happening in your network. It is not great to receive another HDA and it is really messy, with the user having no idea what is going on within the network!!!!!!!! Just needed to get that out there.

As you can see the Unity version looks cleaner than the Houdini version. Lets look at the first group of nodes. The unity version has eight (8) controls that control Scale, UV Scale, and bevel controls. Transformations are handled by Unity, no need to place an additional transform control unless we are creating cables. That will be a later posting.