dimanche 4 mars 2018

Part 1 - Houdini Boot Modeling

Houdini Boot modeling using traditional and procedural tools in Houdini. I modeled the basic boot in Houdini using traditional techniques. I started out with a box and then moved various points around. The radial menu that was introduced in Houdini 16 is amazing. It really improves the modeling workflow.

Here is the simple network for the laces. I placed curve points only on the eyelets of the boot and various points wrapping around the top of the boot. Once I was happy with the placemement, I added more points to get the exact shape that was needed for the boot. The laces were tied with the same curve by hand. I could not find a procedrual way to tie a knot.

My next step is to bring it into ZBrush and add stitching detail and treads. I will then bring it back to Houdini, create a low poly using the Topobuihe Games Baker ROP is part of the Houdini Game Development Toolset that can be found on GitHub here: https://github.com/sideeffects/GameDevelopmentToolset 

Once I get a good normal map, material ID, curvature, ambient occlusion, and roughness map it will be exported to Substance Painter.